Lion Dance Team 2022
Lion Dance
CFMAC, Hung Ching is the oldest lion dance club in NYC and have been teaching Traditional Chinese Lion Dance for over 60 years. The lion dance program gives teenagers and young adults a chance to learn about our art and culture. The program will teach the basic kung fu horse stances needed for the foundation, strength training to hold the weight of the Lion, theatrics to show the many emotions of the Lion and the musical instruments. Participants of the program have the opportunity to perform and attend our annual Lunar New Year parades and various performances throughout the year.
We encourage mentorships and peer to peer learning by offering former participants the opportunity to become one of our assistant or lead instructors for the future groups.
In the summer CFMAC brings an introductory lion dance course to children between the ages of 8 and 12 years old. We hope to spark the children's interest in lion dance and that one day they can join one of many lion dance clubs in NYC and carry on the tradition.
Basketball & 9-Man Volleyball
NY Mini 2015
CFMAC sponsors youth basketball teams for local 3 on 3 tournaments and national 5 on 5 tournaments competing in the Asian American Basketball circuits.
Our Basketball team participates every year in the Asian Hoops Blacktop Battle in July.
CFMAC participates in the North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament as well as local competitions. The NACIVT is an annual Chinese nine-man volleyball tournament, held by five different North American cities (Boston, New York, Toronto, Washington D.C. and San Francisco) in a rotating circuit. 9-man volleyball was originally played by Chinese immigrants in the U.S, who predominantly hailed from ToiSan City in Guangdong province of China. In the late 1930s’ the sport was used as a means to socially connect the laborers in Chinatowns’ across the United States. For more on 9-Man volleyball, watch the 9-Man documentary.
Our Volleyball team participate every year in the New York Mini Tournament in July. We also sponsor female teams for 6v6 for the National and local events.
2nd Place 17U at Blacktop 2017
1st Place Silver at New York Mini 2022
2nd Mini Silver at New York Mini 2024
Run For Chinatown Track Meet 2023
HC Run Team
In 2020, Leland, a fellow member asked friends, family and anyone who can to pledge to donate $1 per mile ran in a 12 hour run around New York City to fund raise for Welcome to Chinatown, an organization started amid the COVID-19 pandemic to bring revenue into local Chinatown restaurants by purchasing meals for hospital workers. He ran a total of 61.6 miles and helped raise more than $20,000 for the cause. Learn more about his run featured on CBS. This event was coined “Run for Chinatown,” and Leland has hosted many more fundraising runs and events as well as forming his the running organization Run for Chinatown that meets every Monday.
Leland and his runs inspired many of our members to take up running as a hobby and physical activity, thus creating a running club within our organization. Our passionate runners have tackled marathons and half marathons, conquering races like the NYC Half and Full Marathon, the Chicago Marathon, and even the Tokyo Marathon. Next on their horizon? Berlin, Boston, Hong Kong, London Marathon!?
CFMAC also manages Charity Bibs for the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon in March and the TCS NYC Marathon in November for those that want to run for our cause!
Visiting Seniors Initiative
CFMAC performs Lion Dances to various senior centers and senior housing around New York City during the Lunar New Year season, bringing the New Year cheer and festivity to those that cannot make it out to Chinatown to watch the parades.
The cost for the performances are subsidized by volunteer drivers and donations.
*We are no longer accepting new performance requests for senior establishments.